

This API document serves as a comprehensive guide for anyone who is looking to integrate their application with our interactive gateway API’s. This documentation will provide you with the necessary information to leverage the functionalities offered by our API efficiently.


The primary purpose of this documentation is to provide the knowledge and resources to successfully integrate the API’s with their system. It aims to provide clear explanations of API endpoints, parameters, authentication methods, response formats, and best practices to facilitate seamless integration and optimal usage.

This documentation covers all aspects of the Interactive Gateway API’s, including its endpoints, request and response formats, authentication mechanisms and any additional features or functionalities.

Target Audience:-

This documentation is intended for anyone who is willing to develop their trading system. Whether you’re a seasoned developer familiar with technology or a newcomer looking to explore integration possibilities, this documentation will provide you with the guidance and resources you need.


The documentation assumes that readers have a basic understanding of web technologies, HTTP protocols, and basic API concepts.

Note: - All the validations are expected to be done by the integration partner. Before submitting data to the server, it is important to ensure all required form controls are filled out, in the correct format.

Rate Limit

Below are the rate limits defined for Interactive API calls

Serial No. API Name Rate Limit(Request/Sec)
1 interactive/orders (To get Order Book) 1
2 interactive/orders (To Place Orders) 10
3 interactive/orders?appOrderID (To cancel Orders) 10
4 interactive/portfolio/position (To Get Net Positions) 1
5 interactive/user/balance (To Get User Balance) 1


Here are the steps to integrate the system :-

  1. 1. Use the API Key and Secret Key provided by the vendor to login using Session Login API
  2. 2. On successful login , user will get an bearer token which need to be stored to access rest of the API’s and to connect the socket
  3. 3. User will then need to connect to the socket by using this token to ws://IP:PORT/token= this endpoint
  4. 4. User will need to add Authorization in request header and pass this bearer token to access the API’s
  5. 5. A user session will be created and all the socket events will be sent to the connected users
  6. 6. At last, user can call logout API which will expire the user token and disconnect the user from socket

Session Login

The API consumer sends a login request to the Interactive API server with Secret Key & App Key. Upon successful validation, the user will get a login response.

Endpoint: interactive/user/session
Method: POST

Extract the token to be used in subsequent request Headers. Also, note some of the ENUMS/string will be used that are mentioned in Appendix section To be saved as variables and these can be used in the subsequent request message bodies.

Field Name Data Type Possible Values Description
secretKey string Secret Key to validate
appKey string The API App Key
source string Login source of user



Field Name Data Type Description
type string Response for request
code string Response code to user request
description string Valid/Invalid User
result LoginSuccessRes


On bad request, BadRequestRes model will be returned.

Sample Request Body
    “secretKey” : “Koiejemlfjoi+lkmdclemclelclcewQ”,
    “appKey” : “Hujnk3iidm3”,
    “source” : “API”
Sample Response Body
  “type” : “sucess”,
  “code” : “s-user-0001”,
  “description” : “Valid User”,
  “result” : {
     “enums” : “socketEvent: [joined,error,success,order,trade,logout], orderSide:           [BUY,SELL], orderSource: [WebAPI], positionSqareOffMode: [DayWise,NetWise], positionSquareOffQuantityType: [Percentage, ExactQty], dayOrNet: [DAY,NET], instrumentType: [Futures,Options,Spread,Equity,Spot], exchangeSegment: [NSEFO,NSECM], productType: [CNC,MIS], orderType: [StopLimit,Limit,Market]”,
    “clientCodes”: [
    “exchangeSegmentArray”: [
         “key”: “NSECM”,
         “value”: “NSECM”
         “key”: “NSEFO”,
         “value”: “NSEFO”
   “token”: “eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c”,
   “userID”: “APICLIENT1”,
   “isInvestorClient”: false,
   “isOneTouchUser”: false

Session Logout

This call invalidates the session token and destroys the API session. After this the user should go through the login flow again and extract the session token from the login response before further activities.

Endpoint: - interactive/user/session
Method: - DELETE
Authorization: - Bearer Token



Field Name Data Type Description
type string Response for request
code string Response code to user request
description string User logout status
result string User logout status


On bad request, BadRequestRes model will be returned.

Sample Request Header
DELETE /interactive/user/session
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Sample Response Body
  “type”: "success",
  “code”: "s-user-0001",
  “description”: "successfully logout from all API.",
  “result”: ""



API calls http://IP:Port/instancename/user/balance grouped under this category information related to limits on equities, derivatives, upfront margin, available exposure, and other RMS-related balances available to the user.

Endpoint: - interactive/user/balance
Method: - GET
Authorization: - Bearer Token



Field Name Data Type Description
type string Response for request
code string Response code to user request
description string
result BalanceList Balance List


On bad request, BadRequestRes model will be returned.

Sample Request Header
  GET /interactive/user/balance
  Authorization: Bearer {token}
Sample Response Body
    "result": {
        "balanceList": {
            "limitHeader": null,
            "limitObject": {
                    "rmsSubLimits": {
                    "cashAvailable": 1000,
                    "collateral": 0,
                    "marginUtilized": 2.12,
                    "netMarginAvailable": 897.88,
                    "mtm": 0,
                    "unrealizedMTM": 0,
                    "realizedMTM": 0
                "marginAvailable": {
                    "cashMarginAvailable": 1000,
                    "adhocMargin": 0,
                    "notinalCash": 0,
                    "payInAmount": 1000,
                    "payOutAmount": 0,
                    "cncSellBenifit": 0,
                    "directCollateral": 0,
                    "holdingCollateral": 0,
                    "clientBranchAdhoc": 0,
                    "sellOptionsPremium": 0,
                    "totalBranchAdhoc": 0,
                    "adhocFOMargin": 0,
                    "adhocCurrencyMargin": 0,
                    "adhocCommodityMargin": 0
                "marginUtilized": {
                    "grossExposureMarginPresent": 85,
                    "buyExposureMarginPresent": 0,
                    "sellExposureMarginPresent": 0,
                    "varELMarginPresent": 2.12,
                    "scripBasketMarginPresent": 0,
                    "grossExposureLimitPresent": 915,
                    "buyExposureLimitPresent": 0,
                    "sellExposureLimitPresent": 0,
                    "cncLimitUsed": 0,
                    "cncAmountUsed": 0,
                    "marginUsed": 0,
                    "limitUsed": 0,
                    "totalSpanMargin": 0,
                    "exposureMarginPresent": 0
                "limitsAssigned": {
                    "cncLimit": 1000,
                    "turnoverLimitPresent": 10000,
                    "mtmLossLimitPresent": 900,
                    "buyExposureLimit": 0,
                    "sellExposureLimit": 0,
                    "grossExposureLimit": 1000,
                    "grossExposureDerivativesLimit": 0,
                    "buyExposureFuturesLimit": 0,
                    "buyExposureOptionsLimit": 0,
                    "sellExposureOptionsLimit": 0,
                    "sellExposureFuturesLimit": 0
           "accountID": "APICLI201" 
    "type": "success",
    "code": "s-user-0001",
    "description": "OK"


Place Order

Read all ENUMS/strings in response and token from Login response and provide required details as per Place Order structure. Place order request is an asynchronous call, the user is given an apporderID.
Execution of an order is dependent on several factors like RMS Limits, risk checks, and so on. Orders with Limit type may remain open for an entire course of a trading day.

Endpoint: - interactive/orders
Method: - POST
Authorization: - Bearer Token


Field Name Data Type Possible Values Description
exchangeSegment DT_SegmentID segmentID It is a segment, which represents cash, derivative, commodity, or currency market.
exchangeInstrumentID DT_InstrumentID Exchange token for instrument.
productType DT_ProductType productType
orderType DT_OrderType orderType
orderSide DT_OrderSide orderSide
timeInForce DT_TimeInForce timeInForce
disclosedQuantity DT_Quantity
orderQuantity DT_Quantity Order Quantity is the number of Sell or Buy orders
limitPrice DT_Price
stopPrice DT_Price
orderUniqueIdentifier DT_OrderID



Field Name Data Type Description
type string Response for request
code string Response code to user request
description string
result EntrySuccessRes


On bad request, BadRequestRes model will be returned.

Sample Request Header
POST /interactive/orders
Authorization: Bearer {token}

Sample Request Body
  "exchangeSegment": "NSECM",
  "exchangeInstrumentID": 22,
  "productType": "MIS",
  "orderType": "LIMIT",
  "orderSide": "BUY",
  "timeInForce": "DAY",
  "disclosedQuantity": 0,
  "orderQuantity": 1,
  "limitPrice": 2500.50,
  "stopPrice": 0,
  "orderUniqueIdentifier": "123456789"
Sample Response Body

  "type": "success",
  "code": "s-user-0001",
  "description": "Request sent",
  "result": {
    "AppOrderID": “10149382024B05010100000000000003”,
    "OrderUniqueIdentifier": "123456789",
    "ClientID": "APICLIENT1"


Modify Order

It provides the facility to modify your open orders by allowing you to change the limit order to market or vice versa, change the Price or Quantity of the limit open order, change the disclosed quantity, or stop-loss of any open stop-loss order.

Endpoint: - interactive/orders
Method: - PUT
Authorization: - Bearer Token


Field Name Data Type Possible Values Description
appOrderID DT_OrderID It is system generated unique order number
modifiedProductType DT_ProductType productType
modifiedOrderType DT_OrderType orderType
modifiedTimeInForce DT_TimeInForce timeInForce
modifiedDisclosedQuantity DT_Quantity
modifiedOrderQuantity DT_Quantity Modified Order Quantity is the number of Sell or Buy orders which user wants to modify
modifiedLimitPrice DT_Price
modifiedStopPrice DT_Price
orderUniqueIdentifier DT_OrderID



Field Name Data Type Description
type string Response for request
code string Response code to user request
description string
result ModifySucessRes


On bad request, BadRequestRes model will be returned.

Sample Request Header
PUT /interactive/orders
Authorization: Bearer {token}

Sample Request Body
  "appOrderID": “10149382024B05010100000000000003”,
  "modifiedProductType": "MIS",
  "modifiedOrderType": "LIMIT",
  "modifiedOrderQuantity": 25,
  "modifiedDisclosedQuantity": 0,
  "modifiedLimitPrice": 2510.65,
  "modifiedStopPrice": 0,
  "modifiedTimeInForce": "DAY",
  "orderUniqueIdentifier": "123456789"
Sample Response Body
  "type": "success",
  "code": "s-user-0001",
  "description": "Request sent",
  "result": {
    "AppOrderID": “10149382024B05010100000000000003”,
    "OrderUniqueIdentifier": "123456789",
    "ClientID": "APICLIENT1"


Cancel Order

This API can be called to cancel any open order of the user by providing the correct appOrderID matching with the chosen open order to cancel.

Endpoint: - interactive/orders?appOrderID=
Method: - DELETE
Authorization: - Bearer Token


Field Name Data Type Description
appOrderID(required) DT_OrderID It is system generated Unique Order No.
OrderUniqueIdentifier(optional) DT_OrderID It is user specific Unique Order No.
ClientID(optional) DT_ClientID



Field Name Data Type Description
type string Response for request
code string Response code to user request
description string
result CancelSucessRes


On bad request, BadRequestRes model will be returned.

Sample Request Header
DELETE /interactive/orders?appOrderID=10149382024B05010100000000000003
Authorization: Bearer {token}

Sample Response Body
  "type": "success",
  "code": "s-user-0001",
  "description": "Request sent",
  "result": [
      "AppOrderID": “10149382024B05010100000000000003”,
      "ClientID": "APICLIENT1"


Order Book

The Order book consists of states of all the orders placed by a user.

Endpoint: - interactive/orders
Method: - GET
Authorization: - Bearer Token


Field Name Data Type Description
ClientID(optional) DT_ClientID


Field Name Data Type Description
type string Response for request
code string Response code to user request
description string
result Array < orderBookSucessRes>

On bad request, BadRequestRes model will be returned.

Sample Request Header
GET /interactive/orders
Authorization: Bearer {token}

Sample Response Body
    "result": [
            "orderExpiryDate": "01-01-1980 00:00:00",
            "cancelRejectReason": "",
            "boLegDetails": 0,
            "boEntryOrderId": "",
            "loginID": "APICLI201",
            "clientID": "APICLI201",
            "appOrderID": "10149382024C05010100000000000003",
            "orderReferenceID": "",
            "generatedBy": "TWSAPI",
            "exchangeOrderID": "1100000000113017",
            "orderCategoryType": "NORMAL",
            "exchangeSegment": "NSECM",
            "exchangeInstrumentID": 11184,
            "orderSide": "BUY",
            "orderType": "Regular",
            "productType": "MIS",
            "timeInForce": "DAY",
            "orderPrice": 85,
            "orderQuantity": 1,
            "orderStopPrice": 0,
            "orderStatus": "Executed",
            "orderAverageTradedPrice": 85,
            "leavesQuantity": 0,
            "cumulativeQuantity": 0,
            "orderDisclosedQuantity": 0,
            "orderGeneratedDateTime": "05-03-2024 20:30:09",
            "exchangeTransactTime": "05-03-2024 20:30:09",
            "lastUpdateDateTime": "05-03-2024 20:30:09",
            "orderLegStatus": "SingleOrderLeg",
            "orderUniqueIdentifier": "4571111111",
            "isSpread": false,
            "messageCode": 1312,
            "messageVersion": 0,
            "tokenID": 11184,
            "applicationType": 0,
            "sequenceNumber": 0
    "type": "success",
    "code": "s-user-0001",
    "description": "Success order book"


Trade Book

The Order book consists of states of all the orders placed by a user.

Endpoint: - interactive/orders/trades
Method: - GET
Authorization: - Bearer Token


Field Name Data Type Description
ClientID(optional) DT_ClientID


Field Name Data Type Description
type string Response for request
code string Response code to user request
description string
result Array<TradeSucessRes>


On bad request, BadRequestRes model will be returned.

Sample Request Header
GET /interactive/orders/trades
Authorization: Bearer {token}

Sample Response Body
    "result": [
            "lastTradedPrice": 85,
            "lastTradedQuantity": 1,
            "lastExecutionTransactTime": "05-03-2024 20:30:09",
            "executionID": "",
            "executionReportIndex": 0,
            "loginID": "APICLI201",
            "clientID": "APICLI201",
            "appOrderID": "10149382024C05010100000000000003",
            "orderReferenceID": "",
            "generatedBy": "TWSAPI",
            "exchangeOrderID": "1100000000113017",
            "orderCategoryType": "NORMAL",
            "exchangeSegment": "NSECM",
            "exchangeInstrumentID": 11184,
            "orderSide": "BUY",
            "orderType": "Regular",
            "productType": "MIS",
            "timeInForce": "DAY",
            "orderPrice": 85,
            "orderQuantity": 0,
            "orderStopPrice": 0,
            "orderStatus": "0",
            "orderAverageTradedPrice": 85,
            "leavesQuantity": 0,
            "cumulativeQuantity": 0,
            "orderDisclosedQuantity": 0,
            "orderGeneratedDateTime": "05-03-2024 20:30:09",
            "exchangeTransactTime": "",
            "lastUpdateDateTime": "05-03-2024 20:30:09",
            "orderLegStatus": "SingleOrderLeg",
            "orderUniqueIdentifier": "4571111111",
            "isSpread": false,
            "messageCode": 0,
            "messageVersion": 0,
            "tokenID": 11184,
            "applicationType": 0,
            "sequenceNumber": 0
    "type": "success",
    "code": "s-user-0001",
    "description": "Success trade book"



Endpoint: - interactive/portfolio/positions?dayOrNet=
Method: - GET
Authorization: - Bearer Token


Field Name Data Type Description
dayOrNet(required) string


Field Name Data Type Description
type string Response for request
code string Response code to user request
description string
result Array<PositionSucessRes>

On bad request, BadRequestRes model will be returned.

Sample Request Header
GET /interactive/portfolio/positions?dayOrNet=DAY
Authorization: Bearer {token}

Sample Response Body
    "result": [
            "childPositions": {
                "accountID": null,
                "tradingSymbol": null,
                "exchangeSegment": null,
                "exchangeInstrumentID": 0,
                "productType": null,
                "marketlot": 0,
                "multiplier": 0,
                "buyAveragePrice": 0,
                "sellAveragePrice": 0,
                "openBuyQuantity": 0,
                "openSellQuantity": 0,
                "quantity": 0,
                "buyAmount": 0,
                "sellAmount": 0,
                "netAmount": 0,
                "unrealizedMTM": 0,
                "realizedMTM": 0,
                "mtm": 0,
                "bep": 0,
                "sumOfTradedQuantityAndPriceBuy": 0,
                "sumOfTradedQuantityAndPriceSell": 0,
                "statisticsLevel": null,
                "isInterOpPosition": null
            "messageCode": 0,
            "messageVersion": 0,
            "tokenID": 11184,
            "applicationType": 0,
            "sequenceNumber": 0,
            "accountID": "APICLI201",
            "tradingSymbol": "IDFCFIRSTB      ",
            "exchangeSegment": "NSECM",
            "exchangeInstrumentID": 11184,
            "productType": "MIS",
            "marketlot": 0,
            "multiplier": 0,
            "buyAveragePrice": 85,
            "sellAveragePrice": 0,
            "openBuyQuantity": 1,
            "openSellQuantity": 0,
            "quantity": 1,
            "buyAmount": 85,
            "sellAmount": 0,
            "netAmount": 0,
            "unrealizedMTM": 0,
            "realizedMTM": 0,
            "mtm": 0,
            "bep": 0,
	    "sumOfTradedQuantityAndPriceBuy": 85,
            "sumOfTradedQuantityAndPriceSell": 0,
            "statisticsLevel": "ParentLevel",
            "isInterOpPosition": "true"
    "type": "success",
    "code": "s-user-0001",
    "description": "Success position"


Web socket

Once the connection is established, real-time streaming can be obtained by listening to the socket on the relevant interactive events. You can get the related streaming data on those events. Below are the steps you need to follow to achieve real-time streaming of interactive events:

  • • Register interactive event of socket connection.
  • • Real-time interactive events.

1. Connect

User need to connect server via socket (i.e. web socket). It is important to set path parameter value as ws://IP:PORT/token= during connection. Token will be only available after successful login. So make sure you login first then you can connect server via socket.

2. Orders

This event will invoke whenever an order state change occurs.
OrderResponse is order object you will receive when any of your order state changes.

3. Trade

This event will invoke whenever a trade occurs.
TradeResponse is trade object you will receive when any of your order state changes.

Protocol Structure

Field Name Data Type Description
enums string
clientCodes Array<string> It will contain clientID’s
exchangeSegmentArray Array<ExchangeSegment>
token string Unique token generated to validate user
userID DT_ClientID
isInvestorClient boolean If true, then it is investor client else dealer.
isOneTouchUser boolean

Field Name Data Type Description
key string
value string

Field Name Data Type Description
limitHeader string
limitObject LimitObject limitObject

Field Name Data Type Description
RMSSubLimits RMSSubLimits
marginAvailable MarginAvailable
marginUtilized MarginUtilized Represents the present Margin Utilized by that entity
limitsAssigned LimitsAssigned Limits Assigned
AccountID DT_ClientID User Unique Identifier

Field Name Data Type Description
cashAvailable DT_Price It is Cash Margin Available set for the entity
collateral DT_Price
marginUtilized DT_Price
netMarginAvailable DT_Price
MTM DT_Price
UnrealizedMTM DT_Price
RealizedMTM DT_Price

Field Name Data Type Description
CashMarginAvailable DT_Price
AdhocMargin DT_Price
NotionalCash DT_Price
PayInAmount DT_Price
PayOutAmount DT_Price
CNCSellBenefit DT_Price
DirectCollateral DT_Price
HoldingCollateral DT_Price
ClientBranchAdhoc DT_Price
SellOptionsPremium DT_Price
TotalBranchAdhoc DT_Price
AdhocFOMargin DT_Price
AdhocCurrencyMargin DT_Price
AdhocCommodityMargin DT_Price

Field Name Data Type Description
GrossExposureMarginPresent DT_Price
BuyExposureMarginPresent DT_Price
SellExposureMarginPresent DT_Price
VarELMarginPresent DT_Price
ScripBasketMarginPresent DT_Price
GrossExposureLimitPresent DT_Price
BuyExposureLimitPresent DT_Price
SellExposureLimitPresent DT_Price
CNCLimitUsed DT_Price
CNCAmountUsed DT_Price
MarginUsed DT_Price
LimitUsed DT_Price
TotalSpanMargin DT_Price
ExposureMarginPresent DT_Price

Field Name Data Type Description
CNCLimit DT_Price
TurnoverLimitPresent DT_Price
MTMLossLimitPresent DT_Price
BuyExposureLimit DT_Price
SellExposureLimit DT_Price
GrossExposureLimit DT_Price
GrossExposureDerivativesLimit DT_Price
BuyExposureFuturesLimit DT_Price
BuyExposureOptionsLimit DT_Price
SellExposureOptionsLimit DT_Price
SellExposureFuturesLimit DT_Price

Field Name Data Type Description
type string Error for request
code string Response code to user request
description string Reason for failed request

Field Name Data Type Description
AppOrderID DT_OrderID It is system generated Unique Order No.
OrderUniqueIdentifier DT_OrderID It is user specific Unique Order No.
ClientID DT_ClientID It is User Unique ID

Field Name Data Type Description
AppOrderID DT_OrderID It is a system generated Unique Order No.
OrderUniqueIdentifier DT_OrderID It is a user-specific Unique Order No.
ClientID DT_ClientID It is the User Unique ID.

Field Name Data Type Description
AppOrderID DT_OrderID It is a system generated Unique Order No.
ClientID DT_ClientID It is the client Unique ID.

Field Name Data Type Possible Values Description
LoginID DT_ClientID User Unique ID
ClientID DT_ClientID User Unique ID
AppOrderID DT_OrderID It is a system generated unique order number
OrderReferenceID DT_OrderID
GeneratedBy DT_Reason
ExchangeOrderID DT_OrderID
OrderCategoryType DT_Category
ExchangeSegment DT_SegmentID
ExchangeInstrumentID DT_InstrumentID Unique Instrument Identifier
OrderSide DT_OrderSide orderSide
OrderType DT_OrderType orderType
ProductType DT_ProductType productType
TimeInForce DT_TimeInForce timeInForce
OrderPrice DT_Price Order Price is the price of Sell or Buy orders
OrderQuantity DT_Quantity Order Quantity is the number of Sell or Buy orders
OrderStopPrice DT_Price
OrderStatus DT_Status
OrderAverageTradedPrice DT_Price
LeavesQuantity DT_Quantity
CumulativeQuantity DT_Quantity
OrderDisclosedQuantity DT_Quantity
OrderGeneratedDateTime DT_Time "04-02-2024 01:27:30"
ExchangeTransactTime DT_Time "04-02-2024 01:27:30"
LastUpdateDateTime DT_Time "04-02-2024 01:27:30"
OrderExpiryDate DT_Time "04-02-2024 01:27:30"
CancelRejectReason DT_Reason It is a reason if the order is rejected or canceled
OrderUniqueIdentifier DT_OrderID It is user specific Order Unique Identifier
OrderLegStatus DT_Status
BoLegDetails DT_MessageCode
IsSpread DT_Spread
BoEntryOrderId DT_Reason
MessageCode DT_MessageCode
MessageVersion DT_MessageCode
TokenID DT_InstrumentID
ApplicationType DT_MessageCode
SequenceNumber DT_MessageCode

Field Name Data Type Possible Values Description
LoginID DT_ClientID User Unique ID
ClientID DT_ClientID User Unique ID
AppOrderID DT_OrderID It is a system generated unique order number
OrderReferenceID DT_OrderID
GeneratedBy DT_Reason
ExchangeOrderID DT_OrderID
OrderCategoryType DT_Category
ExchangeSegment DT_SegmentID
ExchangeInstrumentID DT_InstrumentID Unique Instrument Identifier
OrderSide DT_OrderSide orderSide
OrderType DT_OrderType orderType
ProductType DT_ProductType productType
TimeInForce DT_TimeInForce timeInForce
OrderPrice DT_Price Order Price is the price of Sell or Buy orders
OrderQuantity DT_Quantity Order Quantity is the number of Sell or Buy orders
OrderStopPrice DT_Price
OrderStatus DT_Status
OrderAverageTradedPrice DT_Price
LeavesQuantity DT_Quantity
CumulativeQuantity DT_Quantity
OrderDisclosedQuantity DT_Quantity
OrderGeneratedDateTime DT_Time "04-02-2024 01:27:30"
ExchangeTransactTime DT_Time "04-02-2024 01:27:30"
LastUpdateDateTime DT_Time "04-02-2024 01:27:30"
OrderUniqueIdentifier DT_OrderID It is user specific Order Unique Identifier
OrderLegStatus DT_Status
IsSpread DT_Spread
MessageCode DT_MessageCode
MessageVersion DT_MessageCode
TokenID DT_InstrumentID
ApplicationType DT_MessageCode
SequenceNumber DT_MessageCode
LastTradedPrice DT_Price
LastTradedQuantity DT_Quantity
LastExecutionTransactTime DT_Time
ExecutionID DT_Reason
ExecutionReportIndex DT_MessageCode

Field Name Data Type Possible Values Description
AccountID DT_ClientID
TradingSymbol DT_Symbol “ACC”
ExchangeSegment DT_SegmentID “NSECM”, “NSEFO”
ExchangeInstrumentID DT_InstrumentID 22
ProductType DT_ProductType productType
Marketlot DT_Price
Multiplier DT_Price
BuyAveragePrice DT_Price Average buy price of position
SellAveragePrice DT_Price Average sell price of position
OpenBuyQuantity double Total bought quantity
OpenSellQuantity double Total sold quantity
Quantity double Net outstanding quantity
BuyAmount DT_Price Total buy value of position in rupees
SellAmount DT_Price Total sell value of position in rupees
NetAmount DT_Price Outstanding position value in rupees
UnrealizedMTM DT_Price It's unrealized profit or loss which has not been booked by client
RealizedMTM DT_Price It's realized profit or loss which has been booked by client
MTM DT_Price It's profit or loss of position
BEP DT_Price It's breakeven point of position
SumOfTradedQuantityAndPriceBuy DT_Price Total buy value of position in rupees
SumOfTradedQuantityAndPriceSell DT_Price Total sell value of position in rupees
statisticsLevel DT_Reason
isInterOpPosition DT_Reason
childPositions ChildPosition
MessageCode DT_MessageCode
MessageVersion DT_MessageCode
TokenID DT_InstrumentID
ApplicationType DT_MessageCode
SequenceNumber DT_MessageCode

Field Name Data Type Possible Values Description
AccountID DT_ClientID
TradingSymbol DT_Symbol “ACC”
ExchangeSegment DT_SegmentID “NSECM”, “NSEFO”
ExchangeInstrumentID DT_InstrumentID 22
ProductType DT_ProductType productType
Marketlot DT_Price
Multiplier DT_Price
BuyAveragePrice DT_Price Average buy price of position
SellAveragePrice DT_Price Average sell price of position
OpenBuyQuantity double Total bought quantity
OpenSellQuantity double Total sold quantity
Quantity double Net outstanding quantity
BuyAmount DT_Price Total buy value of position in rupees
SellAmount DT_Price Total sell value of position in rupees
NetAmount DT_Price Outstanding position value in rupees
UnrealizedMTM DT_Price It's unrealized profit or loss which has not been booked by client
RealizedMTM DT_Price It's realized profit or loss which has been booked by client
MTM DT_Price It's profit or loss of position
BEP DT_Price It's breakeven point of position
SumOfTradedQuantityAndPriceBuy DT_Price Total buy value of position in rupees
SumOfTradedQuantityAndPriceSell DT_Price Total sell value of position in rupees
statisticsLevel DT_Reason
isInterOpPosition DT_Reason


Some of the ENUMS, strings highlighted below to be used in appropriate requests

Enum/Strings Value Remarks
orderSide “BUY”, “SELL”
dayOrNet “DAY”, “NET”
productType “MIS”, “CNC”
orderType “StopLimit”, “Limit”, “Market”
timeInForce “DAY”, “IOC”
segmentID “NSECM”, “NSEFO”

Data Types:-

Below are the user defined data types:-
Name Data Type Remarks
DT_Price double
DT_ClientID string
DT_OrderID string
DT_SegmentID string
DT_ProductType string
DT_OrderType string
DT_OrderSide string
DT_Quantity int
DT_Time string
DT_Reason string
DT_Reason bool
DT_TimeInForce string
DT_MessageCode int
DT_Symbol string
DT_Status string
DT_Category string
DT_InstrumentID int